MODRMXTECHNOSHOPLa mejor tienda en Software, Sintetizadores y ProAudio.Software Original Directo a tus manos!Distribuidor Oficial de eMedia en MexicoSomos parte del IMSTA."Compra el Software que usas, para poder cobrar lo justo".Building on the solid foundation laid in the first volume, this downloadable version of eMedia Music's Music Theory Tutor Volume 2 for Mac features over 200 lessons on intermediate to advanced theory. Images, audio, and interactive tests are incorporated into the curriculum along with practical theory. The Intelligent Practice mode offers optimized, individualized practice sessions by analyzing your responses and skill levels and targeting weak areas needing improvement.Learn about the construction of augmented and seventh chords, as well as harmonic, melodic, and natural minor scales. Examine modes, musical keys, the circle of fifths, phrasing, and more about melodic/harmonic relationships and cadences. Additionally, learn how to analyze chord function and understand chord progression theory, complex time signatures, and syncopation to help you write and perform music better than before.Music Theory Tutor Vol. 2 shows you when you are playing or singing with the correct pitch and lets you see your progress. Many lessons let you enter pitches simply by humming, singing, or playing your instrument into the computer's microphone. Enjoy the ability to tap rhythms and sing back melodies, in addition to guessing intervals and much more. Gain confidence as you pass each music theory quiz at the end of a subject, and ace the exams at the end of every grade-level completion.Teaches music theory with a step-by-step curriculum designed by Dr. Gregory Simon, who has a Ph.D. in music composition from University of Michigan and has taught at University of ColoradoCombines music theory lessons and ear training in one course, helping you compose, improvise, and learn more easily and effectivelyEmploys graphics, interactive tests, and sound to make learning easier and more enjoyableIntelligent Practice offers optimized, individualized practice sessions by analyzing your responses and skill levels and targeting weak areas needing improvement. Tracks your progress and selects questions that help you learn and get better. Tap out the answer to a rhythm question, or hum two notes to identify an interval. Sing the notes in a melody, or play them on your instrumentLets you view scores for each music theory quiz and other statistics to measure your progressProvides rhythm lessons in counting and recognition of triplets, complex time signatures (3/8, 6/4, 5/4, 7/4, 5/8, and 7/8), and syncopation. Teaches you how intervals define scales and chords, and how chord cadence and inversions affect chord progressionsOffers interactive music theory lessons for learning major and minor key signatures and the circle of fifthsTraining exercises enable your ear to recognize harmonic intervals, minor scale types, modes, and augmented and 7th chordsIncludes lessons on harmonic, melodic, and natural minor scale construction and modesChord theory lessons cover construction and recognition of chords, including inversionsLessons on chord progression theory cover chord function and cadence within progressions (tonic, dominant, subdominant, etc.), as well as Roman numeral (I, IV, V, etc.) and figured bass notation, chord substitutions, phrasing, passing, and pedal tonesHarmonic flowchart, major, minor, and two-voice harmony studiesLessons and exercises in musical form and analysis (binary, ternary, rondo, phrasing, etc.) help you better understand compositionSolfege studies, with arpeggio and sight-singing, teach you to hear music in your head – so you'll know how a composition sounds simply by seeing the sheet musicContents SummaryGrade 6RhythmIntroductionTriplets in Simple TimeTriplets in Simple Time (part 2)Triplets in Simple Time (part 3)Triplets in Simple Time (part 4)Exercise: Rhythm Sight TappingSyncopation3/8 Time SignatureExercise: Rhythm Sight Tapping 26/4 Time SignatureExercise: Rhythm Sight Tapping 3Rhythm WorkshopExercise: Rhythm ImitationReview: Time SignaturesBefore the QuizQuiz MelodyIntroductionKey SignaturesOrder of Flats and SharpsOrder of Flats and Sharps (part 2)F Major Key Signatured minor Key SignatureExercise: Sight SingingG Major Key Signaturee minor Key SignatureExercise: Sight Singing 2Melodic Intervals ReviewExercise: Interval SingingHarmonic IntervalsHarmonic Intervals (part 2)Exercise: Harmonic Interval RecognitionMelody WorkshopExercise: Melody ImitationReview: Key SignaturesBefore the QuizQuiz HarmonyIntroductionExercise: Chord RecognitionChord Function - SupertonicChord Function - Supertonic (part 2)Chord Function - SubmediantChord Function - Submediant (part 2)Chord Function - Submediant (part 3)Exercise: Chord ProgressionsPerfect and Imperfect Authentic CadencesHalf CadenceDeceptive CadenceExercise: Cadence RecognitionInversionsInversions (part 2)Exercise: Inversion RecognitionFigured BassFigured Bass (part 2)Figured Bass (part 3)Before the QuizQuizGrade 7RhythmIntroductionExercise: Rhythm Sight TappingOdd Meters5/4 Time Signature7/4 Time SignatureExercise: Rhythm Sight Tapping 2Rhythm WorkshopRhythm Workshop (part 2)Exercise: Rhythm ImitationReview: Odd MetersBefore the QuizQuizMelodyIntroductionReview: Key SignaturesMinor Scale TypesNatural MinorHarmonic MinorMelodic MinorExercise: Scale SingingExercise: Scale RecognitionBb Major Key Signatureg minor ScaleRemembering Keys: FlatsExercise: Sight SingingHarmonic IntervalsHarmonic Intervals (part 2)Exercise: Harmonic Interval RecognitionMelody WorkshopExercise: Melody ImitationReview: Minor Scale TypesBefore the QuizQuizHarmonyIntroductionFirst Inversion ChordsArpeggiationSubstitutionExercise: Inversion RecognitionAugmented TriadsTriads ReviewExercise: Chord RecognitionChord Function - Leading ToneChord Function - Leading Tone (part 2)Chord Function - Leading Tone (part 3)Exercise: Chord ProgressionsPhrasingPhrasing (part 2)Phrasing (part 3)Phrasing (part 4)Binary FormReview: First Inversion FunctionsBefore the QuizQuizGrade 8RhythmIntroductionExercise: Rhythm Sight TappingQuarter Note TripletsQuarter Note Triplets (part 2)Exercise: Rhythm Sight Tapping 2Rhythm WorkshopEighth-Based Odd Meters5/8 Time Signature7/8 Time SignatureExercise: Rhythm Sight Tapping 3Rhythm Workshop (part 2)Exercise: Rhythm ImitationReview: Odd MetersBefore the QuizQuizMelodyIntroductionReview: Key SignaturesD Major Key Signatureb minor ScaleRemembering Keys: SharpsReview: Note TendenciesHarmonic IntervalsExercise: Harmonic Interval RecognitionExercise: Interval SingingReview: Minor ScalesExercise: Scale RecognitionExercise: Sight SingingMelody WorkshopExercise: Melody ImitationBefore the QuizQuizHarmonyIntroductionExercise: Chord RecognitionTernary FormTernary Form (part 2)Rondo FormRondo Form (part 2)Seventh ChordsSeventh Chord QualitiesMajor SeventhMinor SeventhDominant SeventhIdentifying Seventh ChordsExercise: Chord Recognition 2Second Inversion FunctionsCadential 6/4Passing 6/4Pedal 6/4Exercise: Inversion RecognitionDominant Seventh Function (V7)Exercise: Chord ProgressionsReview: Second InversionsBefore the QuizQuizGrade 9RhythmIntroductionExercise: Rhythm Sight TappingAdvanced Triplets in Simple TimeAdvanced Triplets in Simple Time (part 2)Advanced Triplets in Simple Time (part 3)Exercise: Rhythm Sight Tapping 2Rhythm WorkshopExercise: Rhythm Sight Tapping 3Rhythm Workshop (part 2)Exercise: Rhythm ImitationBefore the QuizQuizMelodyIntroductionEb Major Key Signaturec minor ScaleA Major Key Signaturef# minor ScaleExercise: Scale RecognitionHarmonic Intervals ReviewExercise: Harmonic Interval RecognitionExercise: Interval SingingModesModes (part 2)Modes (part 3)Two Voice MelodiesTwo Voice Melodies (part 2)Exercise: Sight SingingMelody WorkshopMelody Workshop (part 2)Exercise: Melody ImitationBefore the QuizQuizHarmonyIntroductionExercise: Inversion RecognitionSeventh Chord ReviewDiminished Seventh ChordHalf-diminished Seventh ChordExercise: Chord RecognitionInverted 7th (Harmony)Circle of FifthsCircle of Fifths (part 2)Chord Function - MediantChord